Friday, 30 January 2015

I Love You Canvas DIY

Ahh, Valentine's Day. The day of love, excessive PDAs, and overpriced meals at over-crowded restaurants. Out of all the holidays, Valentine's Day is probably my least favorite...but, I do still celebrate every year.

L & I moved into a new apartment just before all of the hub bub of the Christmas holidays, and we are still trying to get totally settled. One of the best things about the new place is that we scored an awesome electric fireplace with a perfect mantle that is just constantly begging to be decorated!! I agonized over how to arrange everything just perfectly for Christmas, but in the end it looked so awesome that I decided I needed to keep it decorated for every season and holiday. Of course, never having had a mantle to decorate before, this means a lot of seasonly DIYs for me this year...and I couldn't be more stoked!

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Easy, Delicious Ground Turkey Burgers

I miss summer. There, I said it. Yes, I know that it is only the end of January, and I still have several months to go before summer is actually here, but a girl can wish, can't she?? One of my favorite things about summer is that you can pretty much make all of your meals without ever having to turn on the oven. Also, a lot of my favorite foods are "summer" foods: potato salad, corn on the cob, and of course BBQ'd burgers. Yum!

Even in the middle of winter, I still love to enjoy these foods. One of my favorite kitchen "tools" is a grill pan that  I inherited from my uncle when he cleaned out his kitchen; it's awesome and I get to at least pretend that the burger I'm eating is straight off the 'Q. So, on this particularly sunny day when it's easy to ignore the fact that it's winter, I decided to whip up a batch of one of my summertime favs: turkey burgers! These are moist, a little spicy, and absolutely delicious. Keep reading on for the recipe!

Sunday, 18 January 2015

New Year, New Adventure

Welcome to Burlap & Breadcrumbs! Having just recently started a brand new year, I thought I would push myself to try something new (and a little scary!); something that would allow me to explore my creative side, and see just what I am capable of!
I want to say Thank You for joining me on this journey. Let's see what we can create together!